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深圳市意境装饰股份有限公司,始建于1996年,是中国装饰行业十大品牌、全国装饰优秀标兵 企业、中国建筑装饰行业质量与服务诚信企业、广东省著名商标企业。经过多年的奋斗,现已发展成 为以家装为主,涉足公装、建材选购、材料配送、家具生产、教育培训等相关产业链的全国知名品牌 企业,总部设在深圳,下设管理中心、客服中心、工程指挥中心、质检中心、财务中心、营销中心、 物流配送中心、家居建材体验馆、家具生产基地、培训学校十大职能中心,并在深圳、东莞、中山等 地设有29家直营装饰设计服务机构。多年来企业坚持“规范化、专业化、集团化”的发展道路,信守“忠诚、务实、沟通、稳健”的经营之道,恪守“原创设计为先”和“客户利益至上”原则,拥有广泛的美誉度,被誉为深圳装饰行业第一 知名品牌。

Artistic Decoration Co., Ltd. Shenzhen, was founded in 1996, is China's Top Ten decoration, decorative excellent national model enterprises, the Chinese construction decoration industry credit quality and service enterprises, Guangdong famous brand enterpri. After years of struggle, has developed into a home improvement mainly involved in public equipment, materials selection, materials distribution, furniture manufacturing, education, training and other related industrial chain of well-known brands, is headquartered in Shenzhen, consists of management center, call center, engineering command center, quality inspection center, financial center and marketing center, distribution center, home building materials museum and furniture production base, the training school ten functi of the center, and in Shenzhen, Dongguan, Zhongshan and other places with 29 Direct decorative design services. Over the years enterprises adhere to the "standardization, specialization, group" development road, abide by the "loy.